Monday, March 22, 2010


So much for a light day - this always happens, but this time its for a great reason.
Was hoping to catch up on editing YET AGAIN, tomorrow. This weekend was quite busy as I had a photography workshop that I ran all day Sunday and a shoot Sunday evening that went WELL into the wee hours of the morning (photos to be posted shortly on Flickr - you won't want to miss these ones). Tomorrow I have (had) nothing booked until about an hour ago when I was just contacted asking if I was able to shoot a UFC fighter at 8am at a local gym for Inside Fitness (I've worked with them a number of times before). He's a pretty major Canadian UFC athlete (no it's not GSP) but I don't want to reveal exactly who until the issue comes out, so for now it will have to be my little secret.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Just another quick edit from the TF* weekend that was done today

I remembered today why I no longer commute to work and took a big pay cut to now have an office 2 kms away from home. I had to be in midtown Toronto around 5pm to pick up some tickets for a Leafs game I'll be at this Saturday with my Little Brother, and got caught SMACK in the middle of rush hour traffic. Over an hour to drive what should have taken 10-15 minutes tops. And now with the 'no texting/emailing/phone' law in Ontario, you can't even keep yourself entertained on your iphone anymore... as if I didn't break THAT law today (rolls eyes)

2 nights in a row

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!!! I feel like the universe is conspiring against me to get caught up on my editing. Every night that I don't have a shoot booked, I feel as if I can start to make some headway, but something ALWAYS comes up. Having gone to bed at a normal hour last night (as discussed in yesterdays blog) meant that today I was tired as soon as I got home from the day job. A nap was a necessity!!! Plus I already had plans to meet up with a friend and go over some behind the scenes footage he had recorded at my 10 model shoot last Saturday. Being St. Paddy's day, we of COURSE met at a bar.

After a few drinks (green martinis' for me - wasn't feeling the beer today) and a wicked brick oven pizza and going over some of the video, next thing we knew it was midnight. So yet another night passes without getting caught up. Fortunately, tomorrow evening is relatively light - I've got an appointment for some headshots for a real estate agent friend of mine but other than that - it's EDIT CITY!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

so much for a 'ketchup' night

So I was actually successful in cutting the CS4 umbilical cord last night around 12am. Pretty much EVERY night I'm up until about 2 or 3 at least working in Photoshop editing photos. I didn't have any shoots booked last night so I thought it would be a good night to catch up and make some editing headway on the 10 person shoot from Saturday.... unfortunately it didn't work out that way. I had a model come by to pick up her DVD of photos, and they ended up sticking around and ordering Chinese and watching Biggest Loser with me (yes, one of my guilty pleasures). Needless to say, I didn't get much editing work done as I was mowing down on Mandarin and socializing, though the fact that I was in bed before the sun was almost rising was a positive :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So I'm a photographer that moonlights as a investment specialist... oh wait, it's the other way around. Sometimes I get confused as to which is my full time job. The last few weeks, it's seemed like BOTH have been full time. I was almost caught up on editing when I returned from my recent trip to Florida - only to go and shoot 10 models in one day on my TF* Weekend, and now I'm right back where I started. Here are some of the early edited results from that day...

Bandwagon? I think by now, it's a full fledged bullet train.

So after years and years of avoiding joining the blogging world, I've finally caved and decided to give it a try. I've had a number of clients contacting me lately and when I ask them how they found out about my work, I'm amazed to hear that they found me on some obscure, random website that I had never heard of. This just emphasized to me the power of the modern internet and social networking and I figured, if it brings me even 1 more client a month, it's probably worth it. So.... here goes.......